Contact Us
41 Bridge Street
Collinsville, CT 06022
(860) 693-9762
General Inquiries
Check our FAQ page, it might just have the answer you're looking for. If not, email -- or -- call (860) 693-9762
Agents, Managers & Artists
Thanks for visiting. Feel free to send along the following information to
1. Website.
2. Two Videos and audio links.
3. Where in the area you've performed before, who else was on the bill, how much tickets cost, and how many people came.
4. What shows you've seen at BRIDGE STREET LIVE and why you think you'd be a good fit.
5. Please note that unpersonalized / spam emails will be deleted on sight.
Private Events
If you are interested in holding your Private Event at 41 Bridge Street please call (860) 693-9762 for more information. Our schedule fills up fast so please allow your self plenty of time to plan ahead!